Minutes: October 16, 2017


  • Present
    • George Becerra
    • Jay Bhandari
    • Rebecca Borton
    • Paul Davis
    • Bob Haley
    • Kia T. Hamel
    • Hon. Dorothy Holley
    • Morgan Jameson
    • Ernestine Jenkins
    • John Jennison
    • Richard Jessie
    • Sue Langley
    • Dan Press
    • Lola Quintela
    • Rachel Rifkind
    • Alex Rodriguez
    • Penny Rood
    • Keith Scarborough
    • Lainie Singerman
    • Manisha Singh
    • Jacklyn Smith
  • Excused
    • Anne M. Alston
    • Hon. Jennifer Boysko
    • Hon. Gerry Connolly
    • Bryan Graham
    • Tom Greeson
    • Kathy Hackshaw
  • Guests
    • Sandra Klassen
    • Janet Carver


  1. Call to Order by Interim Chair Haley, 8 pm
  2. Roll Call by John Jennison
  3. Guest Introductions – none
  4. Motion to approve agenda by John; 2nd by Penny; discussion: next meeting in Prince William County; approved by acclimation.
  5. Approval of minutes
    1. July 17, 2017 11th CD Meeting; discussion: change Rachel’s attendance; motion by Rachel; 2nd by Alex; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.
    2. Sept. 23, 2017 DPVA Central in Fredericksburg
    3. Sept. 23, 2017 11th CD meeting in Fredericksburg
    4. Discussion: correct Sandra’s last name misspelling; correct Rachel’s attendance; George Becerra admitted his absences but claimed familial reason. Chair Haley stated that every member of committee gives advance notice to chair, vice chair, secretary or complete committee if she/he cannot attend and the chair’s interpretation of “excused” is very understanding and generous.  Becerra has never given any advance notice or notice on day of absence so it is not excused.
    5. Motion by Rachel; 2nd by Alex; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote.
  6. Treasurer’s Report by Rachel Rifkind as of 8/21/2017. Federal account: $5,814.15. Non-federal account: $2,805.52.  Motion by Penny for report to be filed; accepted; no vote required.
  7. Chair’s Report by Bob Haley.  Halfway to St. Paddy’s success; Diwali dinner success; donations to HoD candidates.
  8. Vice Chairs’ Reports
    1. Fairfax County, Sue: absentee voting; canvassing w/ other groups; GoTV kickoff; FCDC Holiday Party 12/10.
    2. Prince William County, Ernie: Justin & Ralph frequent presence; DMV absentee voting; voting flyer.
    3. Communications (Lainie): Progressive causes.
    4. Fairfax City (Penny): good turnout at Fall Fest; phone banking; canvassing.
  9. Tech/Comm Working Group, Rebecca: website content & upload of old minutes; directory of allied organizations; networking non-profits.
  10. Caucus/Committees
    1. Paul: YDs canvassing
    2. Morgan: YDs national gun control issues
    3. Lola: endorsements and contributions; women’s caucus breakfast 12/2
  11. Diwali Event, Manisha; successful; lessons learned.
  12. St. Paddy’s, Bob & others: brief discussion/review
  13. Emeriti Members
    1. Bob: subject matter of past members
    2. Penny: introduced draft Citation of Janet Carver.  Many high accolades offered by many members.  Not a voting position.
    3. Motion (with alternative) by Penny for Citation; 2nd by Alex/Lola/John/many
    4. Discussion: immediate vote on resolution, not the alternative to wait.  Amend citation if other highlights are recalled.
    5. Vote: approved by unanimous vote w/ standing ovation for Janet.
  14. Next Central meeting: Dec. 2, Richmond
  15. Other business – none
  16. Announcements
    1. Bob: Maryanne Hovis passing & services
    2. Sandra: “Our Revolution” group; past resolutions for website; Carver resolution for DPVA.
    3. Sue: George Burke Memorial Fund
    4. Jay: Diwali wrap-up & thank you
    5. Lola: Rides to vote/polls
  17. Next Meeting: November 20, 2017, 8pm, Prince William County
  18. Motion to adjourn by Alex; 2nd by Lainie; no discussion; approved by unanimous vote, 9:28 p.m.